These top tow photos were taken by the photographer for the sales flyer on the home in Vancouver. The blue sky and clouds was photo shopped in, love it! It looks so bare now, in the fall, all the blooms cut back.
Some of the flyers used older stock photos to show what the yard looked like earlier in the season. And to showcase the urban garden, popular in the area.
It is really hard still having the old property, knowing that it is still ours. Especially since this garden does not yet reflect who I am as a gardener. We recently changed real estate agencies and agent, the market is SO tough right now and we need to close out this chapter of our lives, sooner than later, despite the loss.
If anyone is looking for a nice urban farm with a cozy cape cod in the Portland, OR metropolitan area please give Roger a call for a showing. You can view the home on Zillow here (includes interior).
There is a 6 way grafted apple tree, 5 blueberry bushes, established strawberry beds, a kitchen herb garden and established vegetable beds. The front yard boasts an established butterfly and hummingbird garden, complete with resident hummingbirds. The side and backyard have cutting flowers, including heirloom roses. The yard was sans chemicals for the 4 years we owned the property, plus we used Soil Builder's mulch. There is a 2 zone drip irrigation system on a timer.
Kendra Pearce, with Urban Farm School is familiar with the property and can help anyone ready to start an urban gardening adventure that may be new to the prospect :)
Sitting in the dining room you will be able to look out and see the golden color of the ginko tree that I planted against the red hues of the neighbors maple trees each fall.
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