I started most of my seeds indoors this year under grow lights, a new experience for me. As usual I completely over seeded tomatoes and have about 30 plants crammed onto my 5,000 square ft lot. A great majority of these tomatoes are Roma which are determinant and I sauce or stew to freeze for fall and winter. I also planted a few beefsteak and several brandywine. The brandywine are rather sensitive to space, water and light. I have noticed they do better in certain areas than others, while the Roma don't seem as picky. I plant lots of basil, much of it as a companion plant around the Roma tomatoes.
The tomato seedlings next move to the 4 shelf standing greenhouse for several weeks, until I move them to gallon pots and the cold frames. At this time I do pinch back the seed leaves and plant them deeper.
The cold frames were my best investment to date for my urban space!
I did try the "wall of water" cloche, but found it cumbersome.

We have had an unusually hot summer so far and the tomatoes are doing extremely well!
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