Last Fall I took a hiatus from writing in order to ramp up my gardening education. During the Fall of 2008 I took the Organic Gardening Certificate Program through Oregon State University Extension, Portland State and Oregon Tilth. I followed this immediately with the OSU Master Gardener class during the Winter of 2008-2009. In January 2009 I began substituting in my local school district, focusing in jobs in the high school horticulture program. I also begam my Career and Technical Education (CTE) coursework.
Needless to say, the blog fell wayside to papers and powerpoints and general chaos.
Slowly I began seeding start under grow lights, working the garden plan and applying my new knowledge . Over the course of the next few days I will be re-indexing the blog, editing to expand information, add scientific names, and clarify information - as well as add new posts showing the projects now in progress for 2009. And so, like Spring in the garden, the ideas buried in me will begin to come forth and be diared here.
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