Looking back at pictures from a year ago I am amazed at the transformation of this 5,000 sq ft lot.

The second round of snap peas are taking off

Acorn Squash, peter pan squash, yellow crook neck, and of course black beauty zucchini. . .

Lemon cucumber and straight eight cucumber. . .

Asian eggplant

MORE cucumber for cucumber sandwiches, tomatoes (25 plants in all) kohlrabi, carrots, sage, basil and salad greens -

Everbearing strawberries . . . and 3 blueberry bushes -
I have not worked a vegetable garden before so this has been a big learning year - overall I am very pleased, not to say that I won't be changing this and that next year - but lots of salad, stir frys and snacking in the garden -
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