I added 6 Agastache 'Apricot Sunrise' (hyssop, hummingbird mint) to the vegetable (squash bed) beds and herb garden because I was concerned that the front Hummingbird/ Butterfly/ Pollinator garden was so intense that the pollinators were not moving around the house to pollinate the squash. I was seeing a lot of male flowers, but not as many female flowers and not as many bees.

I got this really cute turtle stepping stone for one of the squash beds. I am on the lookout for other stepping stones -

I converted a couple of cucmber supports to taller bamboo stakes as they had outgrown their previous stakes.

And I hose washed the bee balm, which was getting a bit of powdery mildew. A good hose wash on a sunny day may take care of powdery mildew before having to resort to other methods.

And I photographed the roses, in order down the bed, to start attempting to identify them -
Your garden looks so beautiful and organized. I wish mine looked that good.