After a really late start to the season with weather, the tomatoes are starting to grow . . . I decided to seed tomatoes this year - Roma and a collection of heirloom for fun. We now have blooms on almost all of the plants and several fruit growing. I over seeded (about 40 starts) and then had a terrible time trying to let them go, so I have a row of starts down the side yard in addition to the raised beds and 5 containers (about 30). Looking back at the weather challenge, I should have wrapped them all of May AND June, but was hopeful every day that ANY day the weather would turn LOL! The starts in the containers set on the pavement did the best with the added heat - including radiant heat from neighboring containers.

The strawberries did very well for the first year and are continuing to produce . . . The blueberries had nice fruit and should be doing very well next year after the transplant.

The sugar snap peas and sugar pod peas are reaching for the stars . . . I planted two varieties - one bearing about 2 weeks before the other. This worked well and we have had fresh snap peas almost everyday in salads, snack or steamed or stir fried. We also use the pea shoots in cooking.

Even the eggplant is growing . . . A big challenge since we often do not get hot enough here. I have eggplants in 3 stages - seedlings in the greenhouse, a start planted before any blooms appeared and 2 starts that had blooms when purchased. The seedlings are still pretty small, but all of the starts are producing now. I did add black plastic around the base of the plants to help warm the soil.

There is a lot more work to do, but now that the pressure of the garden tour is over (until next year) we are back to puttering around ;)

The various squash and cucumbers are doing well - I have begun to move the plants up the ladder supports.

We have been eating lettuce from the garden for about 3 weeks, cutting the outer leaves from the plant. I started additional seeds about the same time and just moved them to the beds this week. You can see here the smaller seedlings between the plants, which will fill in as the plants finish. I will start additional seeds now, and again do this same thing in about 3-4 weeks. I have several varieties of greens and will begin cold hardy starts later in the season to go into fall.
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