Is It Spring YET!
March looked promising and we were itching to begin projects!
More and more began to peak through the mulch in the "nursery strip."
The cuttings and starts began to grow.
We even had a flush of blossoms on the Clematis "Apple Blossom."
The Coppertina, true to it's name, began to grow with shoots of copper toned leaves.

The blueberry bushes had signs of spring and were ready to transplant to their new home. We had kept them in the pots over-winter to ensure meeting their water needs and protecting them from the weather until their new bed was ready.
Remember the cardboard and lasagna layers here - well, they are now ready to plant in! We selected this sunny spot with added radiation from the garage wall for the blue berry bushes.
There are no signs now - but the hostas brought from the old house were planted here last fall -
Snow in March!
Forcing us back to the books and planning -
The two photo storage boxes above are used for plant tags and seed packets. The boxes fit neatly stacked on the bookshelf in my gardening library.
Plant Tags
The plant tags that come with a plant from the nursery generally do not weather well and break or fade within a year. I collect these tags in plastic baggies by planting bed - for example: "butterfly garden" or "shade area, backyard." The actual plant is then labeled with metal plant tags. I use white plastic tags for vegetable beds. Once a plant is settled into it permanent home I store the tags in a binder, divided by bed name, in plastic "baseball card" sheet protectors - with a little trim the plant tags fit perfectly and can be read from both sides.
Seed Packets
Whether it is an annual that I seed every year or a new vegetable that I am learning from, I keep seed packets together in a photo storage box, again in baggies by vegetable family or plant type. When I am ready to begin new starts in the greenhouse I can easily find the seeds.
March looked promising and we were itching to begin projects!

The blueberry bushes had signs of spring and were ready to transplant to their new home. We had kept them in the pots over-winter to ensure meeting their water needs and protecting them from the weather until their new bed was ready.


Forcing us back to the books and planning -

Plant Tags
The plant tags that come with a plant from the nursery generally do not weather well and break or fade within a year. I collect these tags in plastic baggies by planting bed - for example: "butterfly garden" or "shade area, backyard." The actual plant is then labeled with metal plant tags. I use white plastic tags for vegetable beds. Once a plant is settled into it permanent home I store the tags in a binder, divided by bed name, in plastic "baseball card" sheet protectors - with a little trim the plant tags fit perfectly and can be read from both sides.
Seed Packets
Whether it is an annual that I seed every year or a new vegetable that I am learning from, I keep seed packets together in a photo storage box, again in baggies by vegetable family or plant type. When I am ready to begin new starts in the greenhouse I can easily find the seeds.
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