The final layer in the beds consisted of microbial mulch brought in from Soli Builders in Ridgefield. The mulch consists of kiln dried wood, compost and manure.
We covered every part of the property no longer covered in lawn with mulch to amend the soil and protect the plants for winter. Mulching will also help retain moisture.
Each bed had a nice foundation using the lasagna method, and the microbial mulch dressed the beds for winter.
Sigh, it was still looking pretty bare, but my aching bones can tell you that it has come a long way.
Even those potted herbs have a glimpse of their soon to be new home by the kitchen.

The final layer in the beds consisted of microbial mulch brought in from Soli Builders in Ridgefield. The mulch consists of kiln dried wood, compost and manure.

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