Penstemon are my new favorite flower this year. They are a great hummingbird attraction and the varieties are wonderful. I actually took my first cuttings from this 'Ruby' variety this year and I am thrilled they took - I should have 3 new plants by next year with fabulous blooms!

Can you see the second bloom coming out of this mondara head? I once read a blog referring to bee balm as the "Fraggle rock" flower and I found such great humor in that thought that it makes me smile every time I see one now.

Bachelor Buttons always make me happy. I seed them every year and enjoy them so much.

My echinacea have done very well this year. I have some flowers that are several feet high, and I have new seedlings barely a few inches. In addition to my purple flowers I did seed some white this year so I am anxious to see what pops open. I of course forget what I threw where! LOL!

This is Woodchuck's plant. He is quite proud of the pyracanthum variety. The orange thorns are so impressive and then the small purple flowers are so dainty for such an ominous looking variety!

This is another annual I will plant every year. I swore I would never "do" annuals but the lotus flower attracts the hummingbirds so well! This variety was a surprise bright orange. It bloomed much earlier than anticipated and the other plants may well be yellow with orange tips. I have them in hanging baskets, and if they do as well as last year they will be hanging down several feet by mid-July.
I'd post pictures of my yard, but it is just crap. Except for the new gazebo. That is cool. Please fly out here and fix my yard, ok?