UPDATED: This post has had several hits. After reviewing the content I am adding links to related posts about planning and layout. This post shows the "bare bones" with more perspective so a reader can see the layout. At the end of this post you can see the transition pathways from one area to another. And this post shows a planning grid for this yard. Additionally, we have moved and this post shows the planning grid for the new yard, and recent posts diary our projects establishing a new yard.
This yard in this post is a 6,000 sq, ft suburban lot, moderately level.
This yard in this post is a 6,000 sq, ft suburban lot, moderately level.
The new fire pit area extends from the Butterfly/ Hummingbird garden. I have added Veronica, Campanula and Phygelius this year, in addition to more Penstemon. I also moved the Delphinuim to this area, along with the Joe Pye Weed and some Bee Balm. The Lupine sit at the front of the bed as they are good to use to identify water needs, they droop before other flowers but recover quickly.
The flowers selected for this area will all height and color during the season, but will be cut back during our wet winters for fence maintenance.
This is a picture of the Butterfly Garden as it transitions to the new beds around the fire pit. The Lavender is 'Hicote' specifically chosen for its color and show. I "thinned" the Vinca Minor this weekend - there is a flat and a bucket of rooted starts on the side of the house - please help yourself . . .
Yes, I was taking these pictures in the dark. I didn't start working in the yard until late and used every last bit of light. This is the Bird Habitat area. The Gaura are behind the roses, you can barely see them. This area is framed by the Butterfly Bush and Red Twig Dogwood. There are also Blueberry bushes, which I would like to net this year from the birds . . .This area is secluded from the play area and high traffic areas to encourage bird traffic. Directly behind the fence is a long agricultural wind break of evergreen trees, this bed extends the habitat into our yard for enjoyment.
The Boxelder mound is of course called this because of the Boxelder (Acer) tree. I added three new Siberian Bellflowers last year, for a total of four - you can see them as a blanket of purple among the blue star creeper. They are a Campanula variety. The Weigelia are past blooming, but you can still see some pink on the Hawthorns. In the background I also have an Evergreen Huckleberry. This bed divides the yard between the play area and butterfly garden/ sitting area. Additionally, the tree sits off the corner of the deck, which softens the hard edge and obscures the house from view for a feeling of seclusion. However, the butterfly garden is in full view from the kitchen window.

Here is the Butterfly/ Hummingbird Garden - not quite in bloom yet. The Penstemon and Salvia are showing color, but the Phlox, Lobelia and Russian Sage are not in bloom yet. The bed is covered with ground covers to maintain moisture and discourage weeds. This bed is in full sun.
The potted herb garden is a favorite of mine. I like to snip directly into my cooking or when we are BBQing. The brightly colored doors were purchased from Rejuvenation salvage and form a privacy screen between our lower patio and the neighbors kitchen window.
The patio beds have been a challenge. I prefer color in this area, and this year added Penstom and an Avens Borgesi. The hanging baskets feature a lotus, not yet visible - which is a hummingbird favorite. You can also see both purple and red Verbena. The Curly Willow in a pot on the patio was actually forced from twigs in a winter arrangement. They started to leaf out on the Winter Solstice and I took to them and have keep them around.
And the tiny shade garden features the fabulous Hosta 'Elegans' which will produce a white flower. There are also a few ferns and both a white and red Bleeding Heart. The grass in the foreground is a Japanese Blood Grass - it develops a red tip and is quite showy, but best left in a container as it spreads! I also planted a blood red Trillium in this garden, but I do not expect a show this year.
This side of the house is where all of my garden tool sheds are located. I have three Lilacs - a standard American, a Korean variety, and a 'Miss Kim' - the 'Miss Kim' has fared the best in this wet climate.

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